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Top 10 Reasons to go Cycle Touring

There are two things we at Mammoth Journeys love; travelling to new places and cycling. This is why we are so passionate about cycle touring.

This Top 10 could easily have been in the hundreds as everyone has different reason why they love cycle touring. If you particularly love one we have included, or think we have missed any off then please comment below.

So without further delay here is your Top 10 reasons to go Cycle Touring.

1/ Travel is your middle name

If anyone mentions that they are heading away on an adventure you get this sudden pang of jealousy as you don’t want to head back to you 9-5 job. You want to travel the world!

2/ You enjoy meeting people from different cultures

You love learning about how different cultures live and how insanely different this may be to your own life. You experience a new way of life and try to include it into your own back home.

China Cycling Tour

A young local joins Richard and Doug on their China Tour

3/ You get a kick from achieving a physical and mental challenge

Someone tells you that you can’t cycle across Europe….you just watch me! This challenge spurs you on even more than ever!

4/ Breakfast buffet bonanzas:

Because who doesn’t love an all you can eat buffet?! Especially when you know you will burn off those calories each day

Spanish Breaktfast on Cycling Holiday

In Spain it is traditional to have a selection of cakes on offer at breakfast - would be rude not to right!?

5/ You love sharing your cycle adventures with friends and family

Family and friends always love hearing about your latest stories from travelling and adventure. They then follow this up with "what's next?" which sends your mind spinning with ideas!

6/ You enjoy the pace at which you can take in your environment on a bike

In a car you speed past landmarks way to quickly and pulling over is way to difficult, Walking you cannot cover enough miles in the day to warrant the time but cycling gives you that perfect pace at which you can take it all in, pull over when you want and cover a decent amount of miles per day!

7/ You love having a personal goal each day

Making it to the top of a 1,500m climb for the day, not stopping before the next village 10miles away or completing a 100mile day – all of these short term, micro goals give you a sense of achievement at the end of each day.

Cycling Holiday Mountain View

Those beautiful views sure beat the view behind your work computer

8/ Tasting the local food is a driving force everyday

This doesn’t need explaining – us cycle tourist cycle to eat!!

9/ You love the feeling of self-powering yourself across a country

Some people wouldn’t even dream of driving across a whole country let alone cycling it. What a claim to fame and such a great sense of achievement!

10/ You love exploring the local landmarks on arrival into your new town/city

Exploring the local cathedrals, museums and town halls are all part and parcel of cycle touring, along side tasting the local cuisine.

So there you have it Mammoth fans, a list which could've gone on for days, and the photos to match as well.

If there is some other reason you love cycle touring and why you think others should give it a go, let us know in the comments below.

Have fun cycling guys and stay tuned as more routes and dates will be released for tours next year!

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