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Set your 2019 goal NOW!

Firstly we hope you all had a great Christmas with your friends and family, and hopefully Santa was kind to you this year.

We are into the final few days of 2018, and this is a perfect time to reflect on the year. It almost seems like yesterday when we were suggesting to you all to trial our goal of 2016 of achieving 52 new things. We made sure we did a new activity every week for the entire year, so at the end of the year we had done 52 new things, it was such a cool resolution to make.

From this we took two things. Firstly, trying new things is good fun. Secondly, and probably most important, if you don't make the effort, you will never fulfil your goal and most likely never do new and exciting things. Without goals it's all too easy just to coast through life, from one week to the next, with no real purpose.

Mammoth Journeys Cycling Holidays

Don't wait to start your adventure, go now!

We at Mammoth love hearing about people setting a goal, and going out an smashing it. Not necessarily cycling related, it can be to do with anything. We just love hearing stories of people being proactive, siezing the opportunity and living life to the fullest.

Our hope by sending this email out a few days before the 1st January 2019, is that it will give you an opportunity to have a good hard think of what is important to you, and what you ultimately want to achieve. When December 31st 2019 rolls around, and you are sat at home reflecting on the year, what will make you proud?

What have you been putting off for the past few years that you wish you had always done?

Because I can guarantee you waiting for that "perfect time" will never work out. Lying to yourself time and time again that you will do it "next year", ultimately means that you are just making excuses, and it will never happen.

Waiting for the right amount of free time, enough money, the right weather, whatever your excuse may be, will only leave you frustrated in the future when you have not lived your life the way you wish, and not achieved your goals or bucket list items.

Mammoth Journeys Cycling Holiday

A bucket list trip on the Camino with an ex-client

If you want to achieve a goal, to experience that something new, you have to make it work. You have to create and sieze that opportunity.

It is no good looking back on this time and wishing you had done things differently. Planning to do your entire bucket list in your retirement is wishful thinking - the future is never guaranteed.

I do not say this to leave you feeling all doom and gloom, merely to highlight some home truths. And more importantly, potentially to light the fire in your belly to get you going to smash your goals, and start ticking them bucket list items off the list.

I will leave you with an infographic and a link to a website that I read years ago that really hit home to me.

It shows the average life expectancy of a human with each year a box. When shown in front of you it doesn't look like much, and really showcases how precious each year of life is.

You life in weeks

So at the end of 2019, and you've used up one of your boxes, will you be happy and proud with what you have done?

Let us know what goals you have for 2019 in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.

Speak soon everyone and happy riding.

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