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New Challenge for Christmas

We all know here at Mammoth we love cycling, and we also love a challenge. We try as much as we can to combine these two loves.

So when the opportunity came about to ride a long way during winter I couldn’t resist.

I have decided to cycle out to Germany from England for Christmas.

Roughly 600km in December across 2 days.

The specifics are yet to be decided in terms of routes and dates but three things that are certain.

1/ I will leave England and arrive in Germany.

2/ I will be using my trusty Marin Gestalt and Thule Handlebar bag

3/ I will be raising money for Naomi House and Jacksplace.

Being able to do what I love, and at the same time raise awareness for an amazing local charity is a great feeling.

Naomi House and Jacksplace is a children’s hospice who provide help and support for children and their families.

More details will be released over on our social media sites so please follow this awesome Journey.

If you are feeling particularly generous please help an amazing charity by donating what you can over at Just Giving.


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